Telegraph Road

This  piece from Chris Townsend is this weeks recommended reading, although prepare to be incensed. He’s absolutely bang on, it drives me crazy to see devastation brought upon the land purely to make it easier for people to shoot things.

On a smaller scale to Chris’ experience, I had a walk up Beinn a’Bhuird a couple of weeks back, after a long absence from the Cairngorms. I grew up climbing the hills around there and it was time to return. I was taken aback by the changes to the landscape. The lower end of Glen Slugain had been torn to shreds, there were diggers on the hill hauling up the stumps of felled Scots Pines,  the resulting holes made the hill look like it had undergone an artillery bombardment.



It’s advancing up the glen. How far will it get in my lifetime or my kids? How far in the lives of those who come after my children? Will they know the land we know now? Will the wild places still exist or will the whole of Scotland be turned into somewhere for people to drive up and shoot the few birds that survive, dodging the blades of the windmills?

I can’t answer any of these questions, but it saddens me that I have to ask.

Take Chris’ advice: contact the politicians, make your voice heard and remember this when you’re next stood in a polling station.



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  1. It depends on which camera I take, but these were taken with a Nikkor 28-80, which is a cheap old plastic lens that used to come as a kit lens for Nikon film SLRs. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get good glass.

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